The Budget for the Financial Year 2019/ 2020 with the theme “Industrialisation for Job Creation and Shared Prosperity” was delivered on Thursday 13th June 2019. However, Ugandans still wanted to evaluate it like they do for their introductions, weddings, birthday anniversaries plus other functions and had a well-focused discussion organised by Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; URA (Uganda Revenue Authority) plus CSBAG (Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group). It was the first Post-Budget Speech Dialogue of its kind and the main one was held at Serena Hotel KLA City on Thursday 20th June 2019, that’s exactly one week after Budget Day instead of the advertised 25th June 2019. Other dialogues in major cities countrywide like Arua at Tropical Suites Hotel (former Hillview - not fully attended), Hoima, Lira, Soroti and Kabale would take place the following Friday 21st. FOWODE (Forum for Women in Democracy) also organised its own later in KLA. Below are some ideas I jotted down from the URA Breakfast, but attributed them to noone in particular though they are from many voices. I’m using The Economist Newspaper policy of just sharing intelligence without bylines. None of these ideas below is my own, just my selection or paraphrase from the final hour of the breakfast before 1PM. A National Budget is a proposal of revenues and expenditures that Government expects for a new fiscal year.
The budget that Finance Minister Matia Kasaija read in 2019 was the Best I ever listened to in my Life even though I was busy designing kindergarten charts on manila papers and missed some parts. However, what made me love it first on TV then radio is the fact that I never heard him talking about new taxes being introduced on what not like in many previous budgets including from my Favourite Finance Minister Ezra Suruma. Maybe I missed those moments (I did not even doublecheck), but it sounded quite fresh as if the Oil in Bunyoro brought a different feeling this year, talking about seven more Trillions and stuff. Also, President Yoweri Museveni’s speech after the budget reading was quite amazing, just like the State of the Nation address he gave the Thursday before Budget Day. M7 seems to have mastered public speech. It’s not that am blinded by my affiliation to NRM, but this year is just different. Last year was: Investments, investments, investments! This year, the economy is now on shwooo [Whistle and Takeoff Gesture]:
Mbalala Area in Mukono on Jinja Road floods when it rains because industries were built in the wetlands… NEMA and Police need to do their work so that manufacturers follow… Environment needs attention like reforestation. We need climate-smart interventions… Government has made a deliberate decision to stop the importation of vehicles, save money to pay teachers and provide water… Government waived tax arrears… One of the Biggest Taxpayers to URA is Government, regular flows and arrears is their obligation… Who will pay taxes? Businesses must contribute and not individual people… Funding a budget is supposed to be from your resources and not debts. If we respecta tax law, we will not have a problem… SMEs are good at running away… 80 percent of the budget is going to energy, roads which require steel and cement… What are the risk factors of this budget? People near the Albertine Graben want their area to remain unpolluted. They do not care that the Government will get the money because they definitely will… In Nakaseke, per capita income of constituents was 112 Dollars in 2014 according to UBOS instead of 800 Dollars. We need to raise it to at least 500. URA should not overtax incomes so that we can help every district to reach 1,200 Dollars per capita income… Incentives are awarded to foreigners differently and members of the East African Community are treated like citizens. How can we compete with them that way? In relation to the 500 Billion tax waiver, Parliament rejected these waivers in 2013 because documents presented were not authentic… People in the village do not see the value of tax… We are all here talking this nice English because of teachers… Agriculture is an issue that concerns all of us. Budget allocation to it should be increased even more… 21 oil fields have been discovered in the country; 14 are commercial… The country has to prepare itself; Government has prepared the institutional framework to take forward projects of this magnitude… Land acquisition is going on, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) dialogues are going on. Geotechnical assessment is being carried out to make sure the land can accommodate the activities to be carried out on it. Can the ground hold this equipment? Investors have a role to play in taking these decisions forward. Benefits of the oil and gas sector are broader than revenue acquired from selling crude oil. 20 Billion Dollars will be coming in during the next three to five years. The Tourism industry will benefit when foreign workers come into the country for five years; we prepared for Chogm but the workers won’t need much government support. This period is being used by Government to prepare; we are going somewhere… Industrialisation without exporting will not lead us anywhere. Domestic borrowing also involves foreigners investing in local securities… If we cannot save, we cannot invest. Many in the SME sector cannot save because we have less than five employees according to the Law… Since markets are closing around us (Rwanda closed border, DR Congo has Ebola and South Sudan is at war), Industries are operating at less than 50 percent capacity… Challenges ahead of budget implementation are real… For the issue of steel and cement, if government assigns a project, the contractor is deemed to have already paid VAT… Government should find a way to advertise what they are doing with the taxmoney: You can see roads, hospitals, etc. How do we push this information and show where the money is going? There is a Budget Week at Kololo Airstrip! 30th June of every year, filing of returns is required by URA… We have risks in everything we do in life… Failure on revenue targets will force government to adjust the budget through Parliament… If the electricity went off today, will the 70 percent who do not have electricity be affected? They will be badly hit because hospitals will not run, medicine will disappear. So more good roads everywhere are also important, that way pregnant women can get to the hospitals quickly or give birth smoothly. There will be soap for you to wash your clothes, etc. 68 percent of products sold in Ugandan supermarkets are now from within…
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21 June 2019
M7's Budget Speech 2019
Speech by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA at the reading of the National Budget – FY 2019/2020 Serena Hotel - Kampala - 13th June 2019
H.E. the Vice President,
Rt. Hon. Speaker,
His Lordship, the Chief Justice, (Oh the Deputy Speaker, he's there)
Rt. Hon. Prime Minister,
Rt. Hon. Deputy Prime Ministers,
The Hon. Alhaji Kigongo,
Hon. Ministers,
Hon. Members of Parliament
Their Excellencies the Ambassadors,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen.
Since I addressed the Nation on the 6th of June, 2019, a number of other Ugandans have died including my clan sister, Nyina-Omukama Christine Biira, Mukirania of the Rwenzururu Kingdom. Let us stand up for a minute of silence to remember them. May their souls rest in eternal peace.
The Banyankore had an elaborate judicial system that encouraged harmony and conflict avoidance, unlike the present system that we inherited from the West that tends to increase conflict and is adversarial. Consequently, the Banyankore systems had a long list of offences that one had to avoid.
When I addressed you last week, I deliberately committed two of those offences: Okutsyorira the members of the Opposition and Okurengyeza the others. Okutsyorira is like if one’s wife’s mother had been a prostitute but that person had noticed good qualities in his future wife and they got married, her family background notwithstanding. According to Banyankore jurisprudence, it is totally forbidden for one, when angry, to one day say: “after all your mother was a prostitute”. This is the offence of okutsyorira. Yes, it is true that her mother was a prostitute. The Banyankore question then was: “What use will be served by taunting her with that history? Why don’t you give her a chance to live her own life?” It was, therefore, an offence and in an inter-clan tribunal, one had to kuhoonga (pay a fine of a cow or cows). In the Western system, they call this fair comment. The court will only concern itself in “establishing the facts”. However, some of the facts are not helpful to society.
Similarly, last week, I admit that I committed the offence of okutsyorira the Opposition when I said that they were neither Government nor Opposition but they were “nothing” and I quoted some “facts”, like the modern courts, to prove my point.
The points I put before the Public Court were that for 24 years of Uganda’s Independence, I was in the Opposition ─ DP (1960-70); briefly in UPC (September 1970-January 1971); Fronasa (1971-1980); UNLF (1979-80); PRA-NRA-NRM (1981-1986).
However, it was during those years that I helped most, first, the citizens in North Ankole and, later, the wider Uganda and even Africa (in some modest ways).
With the Local Community, the Banyankore, the main challenge was to wake them up from tradition and help them to see the importance of modernization as we keep the positive elements of tradition. Our communities’ tradition of exogamous marriages as opposed to endogamous marriages must be maintained because it avoids in-breeding (obutembane), etc. However, the Banyankore custom of drinking milk without boiling it, had to face my wrath when I came to know that a Frenchman, Louis Pateur, in the year 1862, had discovered organisms that cannot be seen by our eyes, known as bacteria, that do both evil and good, depending on their types that are found in foods, water, etc. Some of the bacteria cause diseases, like streptococcus that causes cellulitis that our Baganda people wrongly call edogo (witchcraft) caused by an ill-wisher laying etalo for one. However, some of the bacteria such as lactococcus cause milk to ferment from amashununu (fresh milk) to amakamo (which the English call “sour milk” because they do not have enough words).
At the age of 14, in the year 1959, I left my local area of Ntungamo (Kafuunzho, where a man by the names of Tashobya has mysteriously taken possession of my land and built a very big school there) and went “abroad” to Mbarara to, for the first time, stay away for some months from home.
The Ntungamoists regarded Mbarara, only 40 miles away, as so “far away” that they would say: “kworiza kugaruka, nibyo biro bya Mbarara” ─ “it will take you a long time like somebody going to Mbarara”.
In Mbarara High School, Sunday was a visiting day ─ you could go out of school to visit relatives, etc. My first Sunday, I visited a family that was known to my parents. The second Sunday, I visited Mbarara Government Stock Farm which the Banyankore were calling: “Farm y’ Omujuungu” ─ “the White man’s Farm”. There, I saw, for the first time, modern farming practices: dipping cattle to kill ticks; rotational grazing; etc. The cattle, both indigenous and exotic, looked very fat and growing fast. When I went home for the April holidays, the first thing I told my father was the better farming practices I had seen in Mbarara. My journey of transforming my family, my relatives, my community, Uganda and even contributing to Africa’s transformation had begun. Starting with 1959 to 1986, a period of 27 years, I was not, meaningfully, in any government position but I was, actually, in the Opposition for most of the time.
Nevertheless, it was during that time, that I started working on changing the people around me, changing Uganda through the student Movement, contributing to Africa by visiting the liberated areas of Mozambique in 1968, while still a University student.
With the social-economic transformation of North Ankole, although I belonged to the Opposition DP, I worked under and with some positive elements of UPC which was controlling the government. Why? I did not want the UPC to interfere with my mission of transforming my people from nomadism, subsistence farming, etc., to quasi-modern farming, education for their children, better health, better houses, etc. As DP supporters, we had tried to win in 1962 but the UPC and Kabaka Yekka, using hooliganism (attacking people), cutting people’s coffee, gerrymandering constituencies, etc., had been declared winners by Mr. Peagram, the departing British Director of Elections. As a pro-people activist, I could not stop working on the modernization of my people because UPC and KY had undemocratically grabbed power, assisted by the incompetent election machinery of the British.
As long as the new rulers did not stop people from attending classes in the school system and did not stop us from sensitizing our people about modernization, we continued. Our method of work was to use small meetings to pass on the non-political and purely developmental message of the four steps: stop nomadism; go from subsistence farming to commercial farming; do so with ekibaro; and, later on, started talking about stopping land-fragmentation on inheritance. No message about politics that would invite the clampdown from UPC after they had destroyed their opportunistic allies of Kabaka-Yekka.
In fact, after our studies in the universities, many of us joined government departments and I, even, joined UPC in September, 1970 and even encouraged the Nyabushozi area people to join UPC. Political Parties are a means to an end; they cannot be an end in themselves.
The end is to transform the people: the family, the area, the country and Africa. Transform them how? By making everybody join the modernity of the four sectors: commercial agriculture with cura; industries; services; and ICT. To have subsistence farmers in your area continuously and you call yourself a leader, you are a mockery of leadership. We actually wanted to help UPC deliver but their internal weaknesses could not allow them.
When UPC, which had some ideas about politics, collapsed in 1971 and was replaced by the more incapable and dangerous Idi Amin, we had to now go to another level, the Armed Resistance. Even here, our methods were principled and carefully thought out. We never used terrorism ─ attacking soft-targets, attacking non-combatants, etc. We never used assassination. Here, in Nile Mansions, I vetoed a plan to assassinate Oyite Ojok by our fighters. During all the time of the fighting, I rejected the plans to assassinate Idi Amin, Obote, etc. These methods of using violence carefully, even when you have to use violence, are not only principled but also strategic. I am now able to work with the children and grand-children of Idi Amin, Milton Obote, Okello Lutwa, Oyite Ojok, etc., because there is no personal enmity between me and those families.
Would that be the case with these younger generations had I assassinated their parents, beyond the usual losses of war?
Before the war, we were very careful not to arouse the suspicion of UPC which would cause them to interfere with our social-economic transformation efforts. I remember, for instance, the incident in Kazo Primary School, where all the elders of what is now Kiruhuura District were gathered to discuss the plans of building Kaaro Secondary School ─ as a Parents’ School. The issue of fund-raising came up. This was in 1967 when I was aged 22 years of age. I warned them not to collect funds without the knowledge of the UPC government. Otherwise, they may think that we are raising money to fight them. When I checked, I found that there was even a law known as the Public Collections Act of 1966. I had to come with two elders to the Police Headquarters in Parliament Building and we got the permission.
Besides, the UPC government had negative elements but it also had positive elements. One example were the programmes of His Excellency John Babiiha of modernizing the Livestock Industry by introducing tick control measures, water harvesting by the way of dams, creating beef ranches such as the Ankole-Masaka Ranching Scheme, tse-tese eradication programmes, etc.
The main weakness of these programmes was that they were only for the elite and the traditional farmers were left out completely. This aspect, we criticized. However, it was better that, at least, the elite were doing modern farming even when the traditional farmers were still forgotten. Previously, both the elite (Abaasoma) and the traditional farmers (Abataasoma) were out of the modern farming. A half-full glass was now better than an empty one. My engagement with Mzee Babiiha was to convince the Jokwano, (Abaasoma) that the traditional cattle keepers, with sensitization, could also do modern farming. Although the elite tended to underrate the traditional cattle-keepers and their potential for change, Mzee Babiiha actually supported our efforts. That is what serious Opposition means. At no time, during the 27 years of my political social economic efforts, did we try to “kuleemesa” (to fail) the governments that were in power: The British, UPC one, Idi Amin, UNLF, UPC two or Okello Lutwa. Instead, we were always trying to use the positive points that existed in the respective governments, even when we were fighting. Idi Amin built the Hima cement factory and the salt processing factory at Katwe-Kabatooro. We never tried to blow up those factories even when we were fighting Idi Amin with guns. Why? It is because our line is that Uganda needs more and more factories, not less, whether the NRM is in power or not. When the NRM eventually came to power after many years of struggle, the country and the NRM were actually, in some small ways, helped by those factories. Nile Mansions and the Conference were actually built by Idi Amin.
Obote had only dug the foundation; it is Idi Amin who finished it. Uganda House was built by Idi Amin. The Post Office building where the NRM Secretariat was housed for many years, the Nalukolongo Railways’ workshop, etc., were built by Idi Amin. Nevertheless, we had to oppose Amin because he had fallen below the threshold of the minimum Patriotic African standards of leadership ─ i.e. Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, social-economic transformation and democracy and he had no right to do that; however, whatever little good he did, we had to preserve it.
Yet, these days you hear of groups that talk of “Okwokya Kampala”, wanting to burn the petrol stations, etc. Indeed, Kayiira tried to blow up a petrol tanker that he had parked between the Nile Mansions and the present Hotel Royale when all of us were inside the Nile Mansions. That is ideological and strategic bankruptcy.
The UPC government of 1962-1971, which we did not support politically, nevertheless, met some of the elements of the threshold for acceptability. Especially, on principle number two of Pan-Africanism, Obote had frustrated the East African Federation, but he was not totally hostile and we were, indeed, beginning to work under him to continue to push that effort. On social-economic transformation, the UPC was tarmacking some roads, building some schools and hospitals. It is on patriotism and democracy, that they completely failed.
It was because of the two positive points that they somehow possessed that we were ready to work with them and under them to see how far we could push matters in the desired direction. Since they were panicky, not well informed about security and defence, ideologically limited and, therefore, patchiest, we were careful not to make them misunderstand us as people who intended to fight them. To do so, would be ideologically and strategically bankrupt on our side because they would, then, deny us the opportunities to preach transformation like we did between 1966 and 1971.
When, therefore, I see groups who say they are opposition, but preach disruption, support arson, do not use the many opportunities that are available to sensitize people under them to metamorphose social-economically, yet some of them are drawing huge salaries from the Consolidated Fund, I am tempted to use a strong negative word to describe them; but I will keep it to myself for now. That is when, therefore, during the State of the Nation address, I committed an offence of “Okutsyorira” the Opposition. Under the Banyankore-Bahororo-Banyakitara jurisprudence, I would, nevertheless, most likely escape punishment (ekiheneso) because the community is shouting in unison that “bakatukabya” ─ we are tired of the negativity of those people.
Regarding the “Kurengyeza”, it is what in English they would, probably, call a cryptic remark. It is like a boy who noticed that his mother was sitting carelessly around the fire and, without revealing the actual reason, suggested that when you warm yourself, it is always good to also stand up and stretch your legs and not to stay too long on the fire. While I was lambasting the Opposition, I was politely telling the others that the acid-test of leadership in the under-developed, pre-capitalist societies of the 3rd world, is the ability to wake up communities to go from negative traditions to the money economy with ekibaro (cura, otita, aimar). Where this has been done, such as in South Korea, China recently, etc., the societies have become affluent. Where it has not been done, like in Central and South America, Africa, etc., you can see the misery of the people on the televisions (TVs). I regard it as a big mistake to be part of a society and I am a leader but I fail to guide them, ideas wise, about social-economic metamorphosis. The kurengyeza, therefore, is a benign activity that will not attract ebiheneso (punishments). The transformation of the people in the cattle corridor has enabled them to build better houses, use solar power, do water harvesting, sponsor children in Universities with private sponsorship etc. During the dry seasons, these people have been hiring, at their own cost, water tankers from road companies to bring water and re-fill the dry dams. Once you transform the households, you empower the country.
Our traditionalists need to also be careful. Europe was greatly assisted by the “Enlightenment and Rationalist Movement” that started from the classical times of Plato and others. We need to study more of this enlightenment and rationalist movement in Uganda and use it to look at our superstitious societies, weighed down by negative traditions and lack of knowledge. The British Archaeological Society personnel, Dr. Sutton, did excavations in Ntutsi and Bigo-Byamugyenyi. He found that those settlements were bigger than the city of London that time. These were the dynasties earlier than the dynasties colonialism found here: the dynasties of Balangira in Buganda, Babiito in Tooro and Bunyoro, Bahiinda in Ankole-Karagwe-Buhaya-Kigoma, etc. That was in 900 AD.
These were the dynasties of Batembuuzi and Bachweezi. These Kingdoms have, therefore, been here for a very long time ─ certainly, more than 1 millennium. There is a country which did not exist that time. This is the USA. It is only 400 years old if you start with 1623 when the first European settlers arrived in that area. It is now the most powerful country in the world ─ more powerful than all the old kingdoms of Europe, not to mention the ones of Africa. Therefore, the traditionalists, like the careerists I just talked about above, need to be careful. Do not continue to kugumaza (divert the attention of) our people or even obstruct them. We need a thorough talk as to which traditions are still rational in view of modern science. Actually, science is not modern. It is ancient; but the people did not know all the mysteries of God through science. We now know that etalo is not edogo. Please, let everybody spread this. Africa needs integration for survival ─ economic and strategic security. Let everybody emphasize that, instead of trying to create parochial chiefdoms.
Recently, we saw the debate about our late comrade, Professor Nsibambi and his heir who is none other than our daughter, one of the girls of our comrade. Actually, Professor Nsibambi had told me about his determination to make his daughter the heir. I am a traditionalist but a traditionalist who wants a strong Africa. That is what I told the Buganda Lukiiko in my speech of the 2nd August, 1993, when I opened that body. Africa cannot be strong with the traditions that disable her. Therefore, all traditions must be audited with that in mind.
I saw lawyer Mulira arguing legally about this issue. With me, when dealing with issues, I never start with legality, but with legitimacy. Is it legitimate, is it reasonable, is it rational for girls to inherit their parents’ wealth and responsibilities in some circumstances? In the modern context, the answer is an unequivocal: “Yes”. Yes, the Banyankore in the past never allowed girls to inherit for very good reasons of that time. The Banyankore, like the other tribes of this area, are exogamous and also patrilineal. Moreover, the clans were, sometimes, at war with one another. Since the girl had to marry outside the clan, was it wise to allow her to take the heritage of the clan to the clan of her marriage? What if this clan was to fight us tomorrow? Those were the considerations of that time and they were legitimate. Today, however, the considerations are different. The main challenge is to produce modern wealth ─ commercial agriculture, factories, hotel, ICT companies, etc. Is it reasonable for tradition to force a Mulwana or a Nsibambi who, in his life, has built up a string of multi-billion shillings’ business companies to bequeath all this to a lousy nephew because he is a male or to leave the powers of selecting the heir to the clan members some of whom may not have bothered to wake up to the need for modernization? Unless, of course, we do not know well what a Musika is supposed to do today. In Ankole, the busika meant inheriting the property and even the wife.
Recently, I had to atone for the injustice of my grandfathers who, in the 1930s, had given all the cows of one of their brothers, Kachuuya, to his brother, Kabuguma (my direct grandfather) because he had died as enchweekye (to die childless), his two daughters (Kobushuuru and Kakwangire) notwithstanding. Girls, because they could not fight the clan and tribal wars, were not counted as children. Although my father is not the one who inherited those particular cattle, I called my 90-year-old aunt, Kakwengire and gave her, her father’s heritage with some interest.
The way the law is, now, is reasonable. It gives absolute powers to the creator of the wealth to dispose it the way he/she deems fit except for the children who are still minors. I think those are entitled to something and spouses are also, I think, entitled to something. What Africa lacks is wealth creation on a serious scale and not negative traditions and heirs. The latter two are in plenty. We should not discourage the views of wealth creators by interfering with the Will of the dead. The living wealth creators may, then, say: “Why should I toil if my wealth is going to be messed up by the clan?”
I had a good modus vivendus with my late father. He still believed in Kujugisa (bride-price) for the girls who were still under his direct care. I rejected kujugisa for his grand-daughters, my daughters. Instead, I would give my girls cows to escort them into their marriages. That was the best way: live and let live.
You heard the budget. My appeal to all the leaders ─ political, religious, cultural ─ is please, work to modernize the families or family under your influence by convincing them to join the money economy with ekibaro (cura, otita, aimar).
In my up-country trips I have pledged to create 3 new additional wealth and jobs creation’s funds. These will be: the zonal fund for import substitution through value addition; the Emyooga (specialized skills/trades) fund for the following 15 activities:
1. Boda Boda Association;
2. Women Entrepreneurs’ Association;
3. Carpenters’ Association;
4. Salon Operators’ Association;
5. Taxi Operators’ Association;
6. Restaurant Association;
7. Welders’ Association;
8. Market Vendors’ Association;
9. Youth Leaders’ SACCO;
10. PWDs’ Association;
11. Produce Dealers’ Association;
12. Mechanics’ Association;
13. Tailors’ Association;
14. Media operators;
15. Performing Arts and Musicians.
SACCO for all the elected leaders of: Local Government, NRM structures and the leaders of other parties if they are not allergic to wealth creation.
The value addition fund will be at the zonal levels: Lango, Acholi, etc. The other two funds will be at the district levels and will be open to all people in each of the categories if they choose to join.
I thank all of you.
PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA at the reading of the National Budget – FY 2019/2020 Serena Hotel - Kampala - 13th June 2019
H.E. the Vice President,
Rt. Hon. Speaker,
His Lordship, the Chief Justice, (Oh the Deputy Speaker, he's there)
Rt. Hon. Prime Minister,
Rt. Hon. Deputy Prime Ministers,
The Hon. Alhaji Kigongo,
Hon. Ministers,
Hon. Members of Parliament
Their Excellencies the Ambassadors,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen.
Since I addressed the Nation on the 6th of June, 2019, a number of other Ugandans have died including my clan sister, Nyina-Omukama Christine Biira, Mukirania of the Rwenzururu Kingdom. Let us stand up for a minute of silence to remember them. May their souls rest in eternal peace.
The Banyankore had an elaborate judicial system that encouraged harmony and conflict avoidance, unlike the present system that we inherited from the West that tends to increase conflict and is adversarial. Consequently, the Banyankore systems had a long list of offences that one had to avoid.
When I addressed you last week, I deliberately committed two of those offences: Okutsyorira the members of the Opposition and Okurengyeza the others. Okutsyorira is like if one’s wife’s mother had been a prostitute but that person had noticed good qualities in his future wife and they got married, her family background notwithstanding. According to Banyankore jurisprudence, it is totally forbidden for one, when angry, to one day say: “after all your mother was a prostitute”. This is the offence of okutsyorira. Yes, it is true that her mother was a prostitute. The Banyankore question then was: “What use will be served by taunting her with that history? Why don’t you give her a chance to live her own life?” It was, therefore, an offence and in an inter-clan tribunal, one had to kuhoonga (pay a fine of a cow or cows). In the Western system, they call this fair comment. The court will only concern itself in “establishing the facts”. However, some of the facts are not helpful to society.
Similarly, last week, I admit that I committed the offence of okutsyorira the Opposition when I said that they were neither Government nor Opposition but they were “nothing” and I quoted some “facts”, like the modern courts, to prove my point.
The points I put before the Public Court were that for 24 years of Uganda’s Independence, I was in the Opposition ─ DP (1960-70); briefly in UPC (September 1970-January 1971); Fronasa (1971-1980); UNLF (1979-80); PRA-NRA-NRM (1981-1986).
However, it was during those years that I helped most, first, the citizens in North Ankole and, later, the wider Uganda and even Africa (in some modest ways).
With the Local Community, the Banyankore, the main challenge was to wake them up from tradition and help them to see the importance of modernization as we keep the positive elements of tradition. Our communities’ tradition of exogamous marriages as opposed to endogamous marriages must be maintained because it avoids in-breeding (obutembane), etc. However, the Banyankore custom of drinking milk without boiling it, had to face my wrath when I came to know that a Frenchman, Louis Pateur, in the year 1862, had discovered organisms that cannot be seen by our eyes, known as bacteria, that do both evil and good, depending on their types that are found in foods, water, etc. Some of the bacteria cause diseases, like streptococcus that causes cellulitis that our Baganda people wrongly call edogo (witchcraft) caused by an ill-wisher laying etalo for one. However, some of the bacteria such as lactococcus cause milk to ferment from amashununu (fresh milk) to amakamo (which the English call “sour milk” because they do not have enough words).
At the age of 14, in the year 1959, I left my local area of Ntungamo (Kafuunzho, where a man by the names of Tashobya has mysteriously taken possession of my land and built a very big school there) and went “abroad” to Mbarara to, for the first time, stay away for some months from home.
The Ntungamoists regarded Mbarara, only 40 miles away, as so “far away” that they would say: “kworiza kugaruka, nibyo biro bya Mbarara” ─ “it will take you a long time like somebody going to Mbarara”.
In Mbarara High School, Sunday was a visiting day ─ you could go out of school to visit relatives, etc. My first Sunday, I visited a family that was known to my parents. The second Sunday, I visited Mbarara Government Stock Farm which the Banyankore were calling: “Farm y’ Omujuungu” ─ “the White man’s Farm”. There, I saw, for the first time, modern farming practices: dipping cattle to kill ticks; rotational grazing; etc. The cattle, both indigenous and exotic, looked very fat and growing fast. When I went home for the April holidays, the first thing I told my father was the better farming practices I had seen in Mbarara. My journey of transforming my family, my relatives, my community, Uganda and even contributing to Africa’s transformation had begun. Starting with 1959 to 1986, a period of 27 years, I was not, meaningfully, in any government position but I was, actually, in the Opposition for most of the time.
Nevertheless, it was during that time, that I started working on changing the people around me, changing Uganda through the student Movement, contributing to Africa by visiting the liberated areas of Mozambique in 1968, while still a University student.
With the social-economic transformation of North Ankole, although I belonged to the Opposition DP, I worked under and with some positive elements of UPC which was controlling the government. Why? I did not want the UPC to interfere with my mission of transforming my people from nomadism, subsistence farming, etc., to quasi-modern farming, education for their children, better health, better houses, etc. As DP supporters, we had tried to win in 1962 but the UPC and Kabaka Yekka, using hooliganism (attacking people), cutting people’s coffee, gerrymandering constituencies, etc., had been declared winners by Mr. Peagram, the departing British Director of Elections. As a pro-people activist, I could not stop working on the modernization of my people because UPC and KY had undemocratically grabbed power, assisted by the incompetent election machinery of the British.
As long as the new rulers did not stop people from attending classes in the school system and did not stop us from sensitizing our people about modernization, we continued. Our method of work was to use small meetings to pass on the non-political and purely developmental message of the four steps: stop nomadism; go from subsistence farming to commercial farming; do so with ekibaro; and, later on, started talking about stopping land-fragmentation on inheritance. No message about politics that would invite the clampdown from UPC after they had destroyed their opportunistic allies of Kabaka-Yekka.
In fact, after our studies in the universities, many of us joined government departments and I, even, joined UPC in September, 1970 and even encouraged the Nyabushozi area people to join UPC. Political Parties are a means to an end; they cannot be an end in themselves.
The end is to transform the people: the family, the area, the country and Africa. Transform them how? By making everybody join the modernity of the four sectors: commercial agriculture with cura; industries; services; and ICT. To have subsistence farmers in your area continuously and you call yourself a leader, you are a mockery of leadership. We actually wanted to help UPC deliver but their internal weaknesses could not allow them.
When UPC, which had some ideas about politics, collapsed in 1971 and was replaced by the more incapable and dangerous Idi Amin, we had to now go to another level, the Armed Resistance. Even here, our methods were principled and carefully thought out. We never used terrorism ─ attacking soft-targets, attacking non-combatants, etc. We never used assassination. Here, in Nile Mansions, I vetoed a plan to assassinate Oyite Ojok by our fighters. During all the time of the fighting, I rejected the plans to assassinate Idi Amin, Obote, etc. These methods of using violence carefully, even when you have to use violence, are not only principled but also strategic. I am now able to work with the children and grand-children of Idi Amin, Milton Obote, Okello Lutwa, Oyite Ojok, etc., because there is no personal enmity between me and those families.
Would that be the case with these younger generations had I assassinated their parents, beyond the usual losses of war?
Before the war, we were very careful not to arouse the suspicion of UPC which would cause them to interfere with our social-economic transformation efforts. I remember, for instance, the incident in Kazo Primary School, where all the elders of what is now Kiruhuura District were gathered to discuss the plans of building Kaaro Secondary School ─ as a Parents’ School. The issue of fund-raising came up. This was in 1967 when I was aged 22 years of age. I warned them not to collect funds without the knowledge of the UPC government. Otherwise, they may think that we are raising money to fight them. When I checked, I found that there was even a law known as the Public Collections Act of 1966. I had to come with two elders to the Police Headquarters in Parliament Building and we got the permission.
Besides, the UPC government had negative elements but it also had positive elements. One example were the programmes of His Excellency John Babiiha of modernizing the Livestock Industry by introducing tick control measures, water harvesting by the way of dams, creating beef ranches such as the Ankole-Masaka Ranching Scheme, tse-tese eradication programmes, etc.
The main weakness of these programmes was that they were only for the elite and the traditional farmers were left out completely. This aspect, we criticized. However, it was better that, at least, the elite were doing modern farming even when the traditional farmers were still forgotten. Previously, both the elite (Abaasoma) and the traditional farmers (Abataasoma) were out of the modern farming. A half-full glass was now better than an empty one. My engagement with Mzee Babiiha was to convince the Jokwano, (Abaasoma) that the traditional cattle keepers, with sensitization, could also do modern farming. Although the elite tended to underrate the traditional cattle-keepers and their potential for change, Mzee Babiiha actually supported our efforts. That is what serious Opposition means. At no time, during the 27 years of my political social economic efforts, did we try to “kuleemesa” (to fail) the governments that were in power: The British, UPC one, Idi Amin, UNLF, UPC two or Okello Lutwa. Instead, we were always trying to use the positive points that existed in the respective governments, even when we were fighting. Idi Amin built the Hima cement factory and the salt processing factory at Katwe-Kabatooro. We never tried to blow up those factories even when we were fighting Idi Amin with guns. Why? It is because our line is that Uganda needs more and more factories, not less, whether the NRM is in power or not. When the NRM eventually came to power after many years of struggle, the country and the NRM were actually, in some small ways, helped by those factories. Nile Mansions and the Conference were actually built by Idi Amin.
Obote had only dug the foundation; it is Idi Amin who finished it. Uganda House was built by Idi Amin. The Post Office building where the NRM Secretariat was housed for many years, the Nalukolongo Railways’ workshop, etc., were built by Idi Amin. Nevertheless, we had to oppose Amin because he had fallen below the threshold of the minimum Patriotic African standards of leadership ─ i.e. Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, social-economic transformation and democracy and he had no right to do that; however, whatever little good he did, we had to preserve it.
Yet, these days you hear of groups that talk of “Okwokya Kampala”, wanting to burn the petrol stations, etc. Indeed, Kayiira tried to blow up a petrol tanker that he had parked between the Nile Mansions and the present Hotel Royale when all of us were inside the Nile Mansions. That is ideological and strategic bankruptcy.
The UPC government of 1962-1971, which we did not support politically, nevertheless, met some of the elements of the threshold for acceptability. Especially, on principle number two of Pan-Africanism, Obote had frustrated the East African Federation, but he was not totally hostile and we were, indeed, beginning to work under him to continue to push that effort. On social-economic transformation, the UPC was tarmacking some roads, building some schools and hospitals. It is on patriotism and democracy, that they completely failed.
It was because of the two positive points that they somehow possessed that we were ready to work with them and under them to see how far we could push matters in the desired direction. Since they were panicky, not well informed about security and defence, ideologically limited and, therefore, patchiest, we were careful not to make them misunderstand us as people who intended to fight them. To do so, would be ideologically and strategically bankrupt on our side because they would, then, deny us the opportunities to preach transformation like we did between 1966 and 1971.
When, therefore, I see groups who say they are opposition, but preach disruption, support arson, do not use the many opportunities that are available to sensitize people under them to metamorphose social-economically, yet some of them are drawing huge salaries from the Consolidated Fund, I am tempted to use a strong negative word to describe them; but I will keep it to myself for now. That is when, therefore, during the State of the Nation address, I committed an offence of “Okutsyorira” the Opposition. Under the Banyankore-Bahororo-Banyakitara jurisprudence, I would, nevertheless, most likely escape punishment (ekiheneso) because the community is shouting in unison that “bakatukabya” ─ we are tired of the negativity of those people.
Regarding the “Kurengyeza”, it is what in English they would, probably, call a cryptic remark. It is like a boy who noticed that his mother was sitting carelessly around the fire and, without revealing the actual reason, suggested that when you warm yourself, it is always good to also stand up and stretch your legs and not to stay too long on the fire. While I was lambasting the Opposition, I was politely telling the others that the acid-test of leadership in the under-developed, pre-capitalist societies of the 3rd world, is the ability to wake up communities to go from negative traditions to the money economy with ekibaro (cura, otita, aimar). Where this has been done, such as in South Korea, China recently, etc., the societies have become affluent. Where it has not been done, like in Central and South America, Africa, etc., you can see the misery of the people on the televisions (TVs). I regard it as a big mistake to be part of a society and I am a leader but I fail to guide them, ideas wise, about social-economic metamorphosis. The kurengyeza, therefore, is a benign activity that will not attract ebiheneso (punishments). The transformation of the people in the cattle corridor has enabled them to build better houses, use solar power, do water harvesting, sponsor children in Universities with private sponsorship etc. During the dry seasons, these people have been hiring, at their own cost, water tankers from road companies to bring water and re-fill the dry dams. Once you transform the households, you empower the country.
Our traditionalists need to also be careful. Europe was greatly assisted by the “Enlightenment and Rationalist Movement” that started from the classical times of Plato and others. We need to study more of this enlightenment and rationalist movement in Uganda and use it to look at our superstitious societies, weighed down by negative traditions and lack of knowledge. The British Archaeological Society personnel, Dr. Sutton, did excavations in Ntutsi and Bigo-Byamugyenyi. He found that those settlements were bigger than the city of London that time. These were the dynasties earlier than the dynasties colonialism found here: the dynasties of Balangira in Buganda, Babiito in Tooro and Bunyoro, Bahiinda in Ankole-Karagwe-Buhaya-Kigoma, etc. That was in 900 AD.
These were the dynasties of Batembuuzi and Bachweezi. These Kingdoms have, therefore, been here for a very long time ─ certainly, more than 1 millennium. There is a country which did not exist that time. This is the USA. It is only 400 years old if you start with 1623 when the first European settlers arrived in that area. It is now the most powerful country in the world ─ more powerful than all the old kingdoms of Europe, not to mention the ones of Africa. Therefore, the traditionalists, like the careerists I just talked about above, need to be careful. Do not continue to kugumaza (divert the attention of) our people or even obstruct them. We need a thorough talk as to which traditions are still rational in view of modern science. Actually, science is not modern. It is ancient; but the people did not know all the mysteries of God through science. We now know that etalo is not edogo. Please, let everybody spread this. Africa needs integration for survival ─ economic and strategic security. Let everybody emphasize that, instead of trying to create parochial chiefdoms.
Recently, we saw the debate about our late comrade, Professor Nsibambi and his heir who is none other than our daughter, one of the girls of our comrade. Actually, Professor Nsibambi had told me about his determination to make his daughter the heir. I am a traditionalist but a traditionalist who wants a strong Africa. That is what I told the Buganda Lukiiko in my speech of the 2nd August, 1993, when I opened that body. Africa cannot be strong with the traditions that disable her. Therefore, all traditions must be audited with that in mind.
I saw lawyer Mulira arguing legally about this issue. With me, when dealing with issues, I never start with legality, but with legitimacy. Is it legitimate, is it reasonable, is it rational for girls to inherit their parents’ wealth and responsibilities in some circumstances? In the modern context, the answer is an unequivocal: “Yes”. Yes, the Banyankore in the past never allowed girls to inherit for very good reasons of that time. The Banyankore, like the other tribes of this area, are exogamous and also patrilineal. Moreover, the clans were, sometimes, at war with one another. Since the girl had to marry outside the clan, was it wise to allow her to take the heritage of the clan to the clan of her marriage? What if this clan was to fight us tomorrow? Those were the considerations of that time and they were legitimate. Today, however, the considerations are different. The main challenge is to produce modern wealth ─ commercial agriculture, factories, hotel, ICT companies, etc. Is it reasonable for tradition to force a Mulwana or a Nsibambi who, in his life, has built up a string of multi-billion shillings’ business companies to bequeath all this to a lousy nephew because he is a male or to leave the powers of selecting the heir to the clan members some of whom may not have bothered to wake up to the need for modernization? Unless, of course, we do not know well what a Musika is supposed to do today. In Ankole, the busika meant inheriting the property and even the wife.
Recently, I had to atone for the injustice of my grandfathers who, in the 1930s, had given all the cows of one of their brothers, Kachuuya, to his brother, Kabuguma (my direct grandfather) because he had died as enchweekye (to die childless), his two daughters (Kobushuuru and Kakwangire) notwithstanding. Girls, because they could not fight the clan and tribal wars, were not counted as children. Although my father is not the one who inherited those particular cattle, I called my 90-year-old aunt, Kakwengire and gave her, her father’s heritage with some interest.
The way the law is, now, is reasonable. It gives absolute powers to the creator of the wealth to dispose it the way he/she deems fit except for the children who are still minors. I think those are entitled to something and spouses are also, I think, entitled to something. What Africa lacks is wealth creation on a serious scale and not negative traditions and heirs. The latter two are in plenty. We should not discourage the views of wealth creators by interfering with the Will of the dead. The living wealth creators may, then, say: “Why should I toil if my wealth is going to be messed up by the clan?”
I had a good modus vivendus with my late father. He still believed in Kujugisa (bride-price) for the girls who were still under his direct care. I rejected kujugisa for his grand-daughters, my daughters. Instead, I would give my girls cows to escort them into their marriages. That was the best way: live and let live.
You heard the budget. My appeal to all the leaders ─ political, religious, cultural ─ is please, work to modernize the families or family under your influence by convincing them to join the money economy with ekibaro (cura, otita, aimar).
In my up-country trips I have pledged to create 3 new additional wealth and jobs creation’s funds. These will be: the zonal fund for import substitution through value addition; the Emyooga (specialized skills/trades) fund for the following 15 activities:
1. Boda Boda Association;
2. Women Entrepreneurs’ Association;
3. Carpenters’ Association;
4. Salon Operators’ Association;
5. Taxi Operators’ Association;
6. Restaurant Association;
7. Welders’ Association;
8. Market Vendors’ Association;
9. Youth Leaders’ SACCO;
10. PWDs’ Association;
11. Produce Dealers’ Association;
12. Mechanics’ Association;
13. Tailors’ Association;
14. Media operators;
15. Performing Arts and Musicians.
SACCO for all the elected leaders of: Local Government, NRM structures and the leaders of other parties if they are not allergic to wealth creation.
The value addition fund will be at the zonal levels: Lango, Acholi, etc. The other two funds will be at the district levels and will be open to all people in each of the categories if they choose to join.
I thank all of you.
07 December 2013
Financial Papers (Business Quotes)
"It is ALLAH who has subjected the sea to you, that ships may sail through it by HIS command, that ye may seek of HIS bounty and that ye may be grateful..."
- QURAN 45:12 (Bowing the Knee)
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in MY house, and test ME now in this if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows..."
"For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have abundance..."
- JESUS CHRIST, an Israeli carpenter and teacher, also known as the "King of the Jews" (MATTHEW 25:29)
“Young people always want to rush things. They want to see growth and success immediately which can’t be the case. In many cases, when you rush at the beginning, your success will be short-lived and you are very likely to fail in the long run. You are actually better off starting out slowly and building a strong business foundation which will guarantee you long term success...”
- SUDHIR RUPARELIA, Ugandan-born Property Baron (Forbes Magazine’s Richest Man in East Africa 2014)
"Be a yardstick of quality..."
- STEVE JOBS, Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Apple Inc.
"Success is a challenge, failure is the formula. When you fail, you know that you are growing... Your network is your net worth..."
- PATRICK NGOWI, Helvetic Solar Contractors (Tanzania)
"People can get information - on entertainment, politics, finance - much easier than before. That will change the way people do business, the way people live..."
- ROBIN LI, Chinese Businessman who beat Google in China with his Baidu Website
"There is no Happiness for man but to eat and drink and to be content with his work..."
“The mortality rate of businesses in Uganda is high because of extravagance; no frugality whatsoever…”
– YOWERI MUSEVENI, Uganda’s longest-serving President since 26th January 1986 during the 2013 Inspire Africa, Entrepreneur Challenge
"Let us put our heads together and work...’’
- ALIKO DANGOTE, Nigerian regarded as the Richest African (controls much of Nigeria's Commodities Trade)
"There is a danger of getting excited over things and then you start making mistakes; Man is tested by gold and gold is tested by fire..."
- MARTIN DRITO, Madi-Okollo County (Arua) MP in a 2013 NTV Interview
"Children must be taught the ability to find problems, solutions and achieve results! If you do not do that, then the education has gone a mess..."
- PATRICK BITATURE, Ugandan entrepreneur
"Let us cast aside business forever, except for others..."
- ANDREW CARNEGIE, Scottish American steel magnate
" we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously..."
- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, one of the founding fathers of the United States in the 1700s
"Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times... I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature... Try to turn every disaster into an opportunity..."
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision..."
"You have to think anyway, so why not think big..."
"Work is invincible..."
- LILIANE BETTENCOURT, L'Oreal's grand dame
‘‘Money should never be a measurement for anything...’’
- ASHISH THAKKAR, British National living in Dubai, UAE and referred to as the Youngest Billionaire in Africa. (He is founder of the pan-African multi-sector business conglomerate, Mara Group. A serial entrepreneur who started his first company at the age of 15, Ashish built a conglomerate of real estate, information technology and manufacturing with operations in over 26 companies and employing 7,000 people worldwide in less than two decades.)
“It’s not the employer who pays the wages, he only handles the money. It’s the product that pays the wages…”
“Just do your work, forget the misery…”
“If we run our society as if pieces of paper (money) is wealth, then we are nuts. Humans are the wealth…”
- JEM BENDELL (The Money Myth)
“The way to find your Way in life is to ask GOD or the universe, ‘How can I be used?’…”
"I'm not somebody who believes in money sitting in deposits in bank accounts. When I make money, I reinvest it straight away in new ventures..."
- SIR RICHARD BRANSON, English Entrepreneur of the Virgin Empire - Trains, Planes, Mobile phones, Internet, Wine, Music and Holidays
“There is nothing for free. Work extremely hard to earn what you’ve got…”
- MZEE JOMO KENYATTA (Harambee!), the first President of Kenya in 1963
"If you begin with prayer, you will think more clearly and make fewer mistakes..."
"(A successful artist) knows how to manage risk. It's like dating a beautiful girl who is not in your league..."
- MAURICE KAWEEKWA, a very talented artist
"So many people have abused me that how can you go to St. Mary's College Kisubi and be a farmer?"
- JEAN (RWAMUKAGA) KAAHWA, AGCO Africa Agriculture Ambassador since 2014 and Managing Director Shalom Fish Farm Limited
"All the literature on mobile money was about the poor and the unbanked, but I saw it as a perfect solution for the SME as well. I decided to build the first mobile money-ready accounting system in the world..."
"Let money work for you, not the other way round..."
- ARSHAD (BHOLIM) AHMED, entrepreneur
"High thinking, simple living..."
- ANDREW MUHIMBISE, a Ugandan investor
"Work hard, it pays..."
"I've worked in an economy that rewards someone who saves the lives of others on a battlefield with a medal, rewards a great teacher with thank-you notes from parents, but rewards those who can detect the mispricing of securities with sums reaching into the billions. In short, fate's distribution of long straws is wildly capricious..."
- WARREN BUFFETT, the 20th Century's Best Stock Market Investor
"Even the Tallest Tower started from the ground..."
"Better than the ignorant are those who read books; better still are those who retain what they read; even better are those who understand it; the best of all are those who go to work..."
- QURAN 45:12 (Bowing the Knee)
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in MY house, and test ME now in this if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows..."
"For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have abundance..."
- JESUS CHRIST, an Israeli carpenter and teacher, also known as the "King of the Jews" (MATTHEW 25:29)
“Young people always want to rush things. They want to see growth and success immediately which can’t be the case. In many cases, when you rush at the beginning, your success will be short-lived and you are very likely to fail in the long run. You are actually better off starting out slowly and building a strong business foundation which will guarantee you long term success...”
- SUDHIR RUPARELIA, Ugandan-born Property Baron (Forbes Magazine’s Richest Man in East Africa 2014)
"Be a yardstick of quality..."
- STEVE JOBS, Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Apple Inc.
"Success is a challenge, failure is the formula. When you fail, you know that you are growing... Your network is your net worth..."
- PATRICK NGOWI, Helvetic Solar Contractors (Tanzania)
"People can get information - on entertainment, politics, finance - much easier than before. That will change the way people do business, the way people live..."
- ROBIN LI, Chinese Businessman who beat Google in China with his Baidu Website
"There is no Happiness for man but to eat and drink and to be content with his work..."
“The mortality rate of businesses in Uganda is high because of extravagance; no frugality whatsoever…”
– YOWERI MUSEVENI, Uganda’s longest-serving President since 26th January 1986 during the 2013 Inspire Africa, Entrepreneur Challenge
"Let us put our heads together and work...’’
- ALIKO DANGOTE, Nigerian regarded as the Richest African (controls much of Nigeria's Commodities Trade)
"There is a danger of getting excited over things and then you start making mistakes; Man is tested by gold and gold is tested by fire..."
- MARTIN DRITO, Madi-Okollo County (Arua) MP in a 2013 NTV Interview
"Children must be taught the ability to find problems, solutions and achieve results! If you do not do that, then the education has gone a mess..."
- PATRICK BITATURE, Ugandan entrepreneur
"Let us cast aside business forever, except for others..."
- ANDREW CARNEGIE, Scottish American steel magnate
" we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously..."
- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, one of the founding fathers of the United States in the 1700s
"Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times... I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature... Try to turn every disaster into an opportunity..."
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision..."
"You have to think anyway, so why not think big..."
"Work is invincible..."
- LILIANE BETTENCOURT, L'Oreal's grand dame
‘‘Money should never be a measurement for anything...’’
- ASHISH THAKKAR, British National living in Dubai, UAE and referred to as the Youngest Billionaire in Africa. (He is founder of the pan-African multi-sector business conglomerate, Mara Group. A serial entrepreneur who started his first company at the age of 15, Ashish built a conglomerate of real estate, information technology and manufacturing with operations in over 26 companies and employing 7,000 people worldwide in less than two decades.)
“It’s not the employer who pays the wages, he only handles the money. It’s the product that pays the wages…”
“Just do your work, forget the misery…”
“If we run our society as if pieces of paper (money) is wealth, then we are nuts. Humans are the wealth…”
- JEM BENDELL (The Money Myth)
“The way to find your Way in life is to ask GOD or the universe, ‘How can I be used?’…”
"I'm not somebody who believes in money sitting in deposits in bank accounts. When I make money, I reinvest it straight away in new ventures..."
- SIR RICHARD BRANSON, English Entrepreneur of the Virgin Empire - Trains, Planes, Mobile phones, Internet, Wine, Music and Holidays
“There is nothing for free. Work extremely hard to earn what you’ve got…”
- MZEE JOMO KENYATTA (Harambee!), the first President of Kenya in 1963
"If you begin with prayer, you will think more clearly and make fewer mistakes..."
"(A successful artist) knows how to manage risk. It's like dating a beautiful girl who is not in your league..."
- MAURICE KAWEEKWA, a very talented artist
"So many people have abused me that how can you go to St. Mary's College Kisubi and be a farmer?"
- JEAN (RWAMUKAGA) KAAHWA, AGCO Africa Agriculture Ambassador since 2014 and Managing Director Shalom Fish Farm Limited
"All the literature on mobile money was about the poor and the unbanked, but I saw it as a perfect solution for the SME as well. I decided to build the first mobile money-ready accounting system in the world..."
"Let money work for you, not the other way round..."
- ARSHAD (BHOLIM) AHMED, entrepreneur
"High thinking, simple living..."
- ANDREW MUHIMBISE, a Ugandan investor
"Work hard, it pays..."
"I've worked in an economy that rewards someone who saves the lives of others on a battlefield with a medal, rewards a great teacher with thank-you notes from parents, but rewards those who can detect the mispricing of securities with sums reaching into the billions. In short, fate's distribution of long straws is wildly capricious..."
- WARREN BUFFETT, the 20th Century's Best Stock Market Investor
"Even the Tallest Tower started from the ground..."
"Better than the ignorant are those who read books; better still are those who retain what they read; even better are those who understand it; the best of all are those who go to work..."
26 October 2013
What Do Developing Countries Need?

Macadamised Boulevard near Rwenzori Mountains (Western Uganda)
At sunrise on Wednesday 11th June 2008, someone asked me if Uganda is developed. Stunned by the ironic question, I half-heartedly replied “No”, because there are two sides to this issue. “We aren’t that developed but are heading there at a rate of 9 per cent (at least according to the National Budget then)…”
Okay, the first reason why we aren't developed is that when it rains heavily, murram roads are muddy and sometimes impassable.
Secondly, we still use bicycles and haven't learnt how to travel on skates (though there is a skateboard rink somewhere in Kitintale, Kampala - ‘The first’ of its kind in Uganda, according to Sunday Vision Newspaper in June 2008).
Thirdly and most importantly, political leaders or MPs (Members of Parliament) plus other people with the right power take some time to effect infrastructural development policies despite their voters’ grievances. Instead of allocating funds appropriately, the corrupt channel money to do their own business yet good roads cut the cost and time of doing business. Malawi is reported to possess the Best Roads in Africa. One day, some Malawians visited Kampala and were shocked to find potholes in our capital city.
Since 1962, several development partners like the World Bank have supported Uganda’s road transport and infrastructure development. The creation of the Road Agency Transformation Unit and its successor Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) are testament to that development priority. Uganda’s three time democratically re-elected president, Yoweri Museveni, has given priority to the development of physical infrastructure. Forget the many tall buildings mushrooming all over Uganda; many roads have been tarmacked ever since M7 came to power in 1986 when I was only two years old. From Bwera (West) to Soroti and Lira (East), there have been visible developments. Part of the Entebbe Highway was made more spacious with four lanes separated in the middle. Likewise, the Jinja Highway near Kakira was also redesigned.
I hail from West Nile (Northwestern Uganda) and the journey to my homeland used to be riddled with potholes created by the notorious LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) Rebels who planted landmines in the Gulu Highway. The road from Karuma to Arua was murram and during dry spells, I would feel like I was suffocating from dust entering the bus. On rainy days, vehicles got stuck and journeys meant for one day would have overnight sleepovers within the bushy Kabalega National Park where dangerous animals like lions exist. After the route was transformed into an all-weather road, the Expected Time of Arrival and many hazards reduced. Meanwhile, the Northern By-pass for diverting heavy trucks in Kampala was also constructed despite complaints that it should have four lanes everywhere instead of two in some stretches. The Southern By-pass is currently under construction, with support from China, the world’s next superpower. A Chinese company CICO is also working on the Kaya Highway from Vurra (Congo Border) to Arua (at the Heart of West Nile) to Oraba (South Sudan Border) which will definitely reduce poverty.
The problem with Africans is that we focus too much on the image of how poor we have been categorised by Western powers yet the simple remedy is macadamized roads. Road improvement will reduce poverty in developing countries; that is the democracy that delivers. Entrepreneurs think governments cannot end unemployment by simply giving people money. It starts with mindsets; without a business plan, that fund cannot be multiplied but will just be misused. Nevertheless, most people desire growth and they do not need governments to feed them; they can grow their own food. They do not need governments to heal them; they can set up private clinics, use herbs that work or pray for divine healing. Developing countries do not need their governments to educate them; people learn from their elders, do personal research and attend private schools. Rural people do not need electricity from their governments; they can do without a national grid and use solar batteries, dry cells or wind power. However, they cannot tarmac their roads alone.
What developing countries need are well developed highways, durable, safely designed bridges and feeder roads connecting different villages plus towns and linking them to neighboring countries. With this tarmac network, people will naturally find efficient ways of maximizing roads. Their children will travel to school with ease even on rainy days; they will comfortably carry their agricultural produce like maize, mangoes, cabbages, pineapples or cassava to markets and explore many other enterprises for development like logistics and construction. Citizens ought to use social media namely Facebook, twitter and Blogger to express what they desire from policy makers.
13 August 2013
Integrity is key at FUCAFF
FUCAFF is the acronym for the Federation of Uganda Customs Agents & Freight Forwarders, an exclusive umbrella association for member clearing firms or companies registered in Uganda. With the slogan Fostering Tax Compliance with Stakeholders, it was formed in 2009 after UCIFA and its off-shoot UFFA to also coordinate with URA. The federation's secretariat is based in Kinawataka, Kampala - east of the Spedag compound behind the Railway Crossing and fosters clearing and freight forwarding management within the Northern Corridor - the Busiest Transport Network in East Africa. With Integrity as a vital Component in its Leadership and Management, FUCAFF is Uganda's forward-thinking Voice in the Business of Revenue Collection.
10 April 2013
ASYCUDA World Rolls Out...
An upgraded Customs Data Management System that Uganda Revenue Authority successfully piloted in Jinja during November 2012 is to be rolled out to the rest of the country. It is a web-based system, which allows traders to submit their declarations from anywhere on earth, among many other advantages. ASYCUDA World now moves to Entebbe in April 2013, according to Joseph M. Mwangala, Project Manager of the Customs Business Enhancement Project. In May, it will be rolled out to Busia/ Malaba and then back to Customs Business Centre (CBC Nakawa, Kampala) the following month. Tech-savvy businessmen can follow the process of their goods clearance electronically using the internet or mobile phones. There will be no need to carry heavy files but URA-licensed clearing agents can help guide importers and other taxpayers whenever they don’t understand certain technical terms. Agents will simply scan their documents and email them. This will minimize long queues at CBC and delayed clearance. For further inquiries, call 0800117000, a toll-free line or visit!
31 March 2013
Empowering SMEs...
Keeping a small business running for many years is hard, but not impossible. The 8th Small and Medium Enterprises Forum was opened by the (Guest of Honour) Right Honourable Prime Minister of Uganda - Amama Mbabazi on Thursday 21st March 2013, the first of three days that would end on Saturday 23rd March at the UMA (Uganda Manufacturers Association) Main Exhibition Hall in Lugogo. After the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) Executive Director's welcome remarks, the Key Note Address was given by Mr. Peter Ladegaard, representing IFC (International Finance Corporation) from the World Bank Group. An Issue Paper with questions collected from the participants early in the morning programme was also reviewed and the PM gave his feedback, then awarded certificates to key partner companies including Bank of Uganda, Stanbic Bank, One Solutions, Centenary Bank, Umeme, Jomayi Properties, Fresh Cuts, Warid Telecom, Niko Insurance, Finance Trust and Uganda Development Bank before giving his speech. James Mulwana (founder of UMA) was also remembered in an All-Stand-Up Moment of Silence.
Despite the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) Scandal being argued in court, the PM humourously asked, "Have you ever suffered a Theft? That's what happened to OPM." As Prime Minister, Mbabazi does not handle public funds at all but being the leader of Government business in Parliament and Secretary General of the NRM Party, he is at the centre of fighting corruption in Uganda and had to speak about what happened in his office. Kazinda had probably been doing his embezzlements for years and when he was about to be transferred, the PM asked for one more day to formally transfer Kazinda's duties through a handover because he noticed something fishy and that is how the rot was unearthed.
Now that the barrels of oil drilled in Uganda are in millions, billions or whatever citizens want to hear, the private sector should benefit from this wealth since they are very important contributors to the economy (about 80 percent). Mbabazi complemented that SMEs are very important people government should be dealing with.
Entertainment (that the MC reiterated as a jumper) was provided by a group of Karimojong Women who came with their babies for the first time in Kampala. They had saved 3.4 Million in one year simply by each member stashing away 1,500 UgX regularly, an admirable venture. The nearest banks from their homes are many kilometres away in Mbale but they pulled this off. (According to Bank of Uganda, only 20 percent of Ugandans actually have bank accounts while the majority keep their money at home.) Mbabazi, whom the women fondly sang about in their songs added them 1 Million as his contribution.
EAC is rated highly among all the communities/ regional blocks in Africa, occupying the 19th spot among the Top 20 in the whole world. Notable is Rwanda which has the Best Start-up Profile for SMEs in the region though all the other countries also have their strengths.
Mbabazi warned that the corruption involved in starting the construction of Karuma Dam should be ironed out or else we will return to the old days of "Power Rationing" yet power needs to be maximised. Corruption is systematic. He reminded the audience about the Ghost Soldiers Saga which also affected Government's image. While fighting Kony in Operation Iron Fist, only 100 soldiers lined up out of 1,000 paid officers. "What happened to the other 900?"
During the one-on-one audience question session with the PM, a lady from Arua read loud a letter from her colleagues back home about an "expired" teacher for the disabled enterpreneurs especially the deaf and mute. She warned that everyone should be concerned now because in future anyone could have a relative who is disabled. The PM remarked that it should be a concern for every part of Uganda. An architect relayed his grievance of non-payment after contractual work for Ministry of Education and PM offered to follow up. Meanwhile, a farmer from Manafwa also uttered his complaint which the PM didn't understand, it was quite vague, etc.
In the hall were exhibitions from URA, MTAC plus various companies including inspirational SMEs and a Turkish Delegation that set up B2B (Business 2 Business) Meetings at the back. This was a very good set up for people trying to start a business, needing advice or financial partners. As an annual initiative of PSFU, the theme of this free event in 2013 was: "Empowering SMEs to Access Affordable Financial and Business Development"...
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