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31 March 2013

Empowering SMEs...

Keeping a small business running for many years is hard, but not impossible. The 8th Small and Medium Enterprises Forum was opened by the (Guest of Honour) Right Honourable Prime Minister of Uganda - Amama Mbabazi on Thursday 21st March 2013, the first of three days that would end on Saturday 23rd March at the UMA (Uganda Manufacturers Association) Main Exhibition Hall in Lugogo. After the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) Executive Director's welcome remarks, the Key Note Address was given by Mr. Peter Ladegaard, representing IFC (International Finance Corporation) from the World Bank Group. An Issue Paper with questions collected from the participants early in the morning programme was also reviewed and the PM gave his feedback, then awarded certificates to key partner companies including Bank of Uganda, Stanbic Bank, One Solutions, Centenary Bank, Umeme, Jomayi Properties, Fresh Cuts, Warid Telecom, Niko Insurance, Finance Trust and Uganda Development Bank before giving his speech. James Mulwana (founder of UMA) was also remembered in an All-Stand-Up Moment of Silence. Despite the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) Scandal being argued in court, the PM humourously asked, "Have you ever suffered a Theft? That's what happened to OPM." As Prime Minister, Mbabazi does not handle public funds at all but being the leader of Government business in Parliament and Secretary General of the NRM Party, he is at the centre of fighting corruption in Uganda and had to speak about what happened in his office. Kazinda had probably been doing his embezzlements for years and when he was about to be transferred, the PM asked for one more day to formally transfer Kazinda's duties through a handover because he noticed something fishy and that is how the rot was unearthed. Now that the barrels of oil drilled in Uganda are in millions, billions or whatever citizens want to hear, the private sector should benefit from this wealth since they are very important contributors to the economy (about 80 percent). Mbabazi complemented that SMEs are very important people government should be dealing with. Entertainment (that the MC reiterated as a jumper) was provided by a group of Karimojong Women who came with their babies for the first time in Kampala. They had saved 3.4 Million in one year simply by each member stashing away 1,500 UgX regularly, an admirable venture. The nearest banks from their homes are many kilometres away in Mbale but they pulled this off. (According to Bank of Uganda, only 20 percent of Ugandans actually have bank accounts while the majority keep their money at home.) Mbabazi, whom the women fondly sang about in their songs added them 1 Million as his contribution. EAC is rated highly among all the communities/ regional blocks in Africa, occupying the 19th spot among the Top 20 in the whole world. Notable is Rwanda which has the Best Start-up Profile for SMEs in the region though all the other countries also have their strengths. Mbabazi warned that the corruption involved in starting the construction of Karuma Dam should be ironed out or else we will return to the old days of "Power Rationing" yet power needs to be maximised. Corruption is systematic. He reminded the audience about the Ghost Soldiers Saga which also affected Government's image. While fighting Kony in Operation Iron Fist, only 100 soldiers lined up out of 1,000 paid officers. "What happened to the other 900?" During the one-on-one audience question session with the PM, a lady from Arua read loud a letter from her colleagues back home about an "expired" teacher for the disabled enterpreneurs especially the deaf and mute. She warned that everyone should be concerned now because in future anyone could have a relative who is disabled. The PM remarked that it should be a concern for every part of Uganda. An architect relayed his grievance of non-payment after contractual work for Ministry of Education and PM offered to follow up. Meanwhile, a farmer from Manafwa also uttered his complaint which the PM didn't understand, it was quite vague, etc. In the hall were exhibitions from URA, MTAC plus various companies including inspirational SMEs and a Turkish Delegation that set up B2B (Business 2 Business) Meetings at the back. This was a very good set up for people trying to start a business, needing advice or financial partners. As an annual initiative of PSFU, the theme of this free event in 2013 was: "Empowering SMEs to Access Affordable Financial and Business Development"...